Can Wales avoid Europe's mass tourism tensions?

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2024-08-14 00:06:17

TikTok HQ staff hit by mass food poisoning incident

Singapore officials say they are investigating the incident, which hospitalised 57 people.
2024-07-31 10:42:47

Community left numb by mass stabbing

Crowds gathered in the centre of Southport for a vigil in memory of the victims of Monday's attack.
2024-07-31 10:42:30

Crowdstrike and Microsoft: What we know about global IT outage

A mass IT outage has caused chaos around the world, with major airlines among the victims.
2024-07-19 12:09:09

Dozens of whales dead in 'biggest mass stranding in decades'

It is believed there are more than 70 animals out of the water at Tresness on the Orkney island of Sanday.
2024-07-11 16:08:39

Mass tourism protesters squirt water at Barcelona tourists

Thousands of people in the Spanish city have been taking part in demonstrations against mass tourism.
2024-07-07 21:11:35

Mass tourism protesters squirt water at Barcelona tourists

Thousands of people in the Spanish city have been taking part in demonstrations against mass tourism.
2024-07-07 19:07:16

Barcelona residents protest against mass tourism

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2024-07-06 23:06:43

Thousands in Málaga protest against mass tourism

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2024-06-30 00:06:39

Mass protests greet German far-right party congress in Essen

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2024-06-29 12:07:48

Mass protests set to greet German far-right party congress in Essen

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2024-06-29 08:13:39

Mass graves and body bags: al-Shifa hospital after Israel withdrew its forces

The BBC has gained insight into what al-Shifa hospital is like since Israeli forces withdrew.
2024-06-05 08:11:01

Venice bans large tourist groups and loudspeakers

Groups of more than 25 and loudspeakers are no longer allowed to reduce the impact of mass tourism.
2024-06-01 14:08:43

Georgia parliament overturns veto on foreign agents law

The contentious law which sparked mass protests will come into effect in two months.
2024-05-28 21:08:43

Michael Gove steps down in mass exodus of MPs before election

The second full day of campaigning is marked by an exodus of MPs, including long-serving Mr Gove.
2024-05-25 00:06:40

Orphans married off in Nigeria after mass wedding outcry

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2024-05-24 21:08:05

Netanyahu denounces bid to arrest him over Gaza war

Israel's prime minister lambasts the ICC, saying it has compared Israel to "mass murderers".
2024-05-20 23:06:46

Riot police move in on Georgia parliament protesters

There have been weeks of mass street protests in the capital sparked by a divisive "foreign agent" law.
2024-05-14 17:09:06

Mass immigration?s advocates are finally admitting that it cuts pay

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2023-06-25 23:09:47

South Africa mass shooting: Manhunt launched in KwaZulu-Natal

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2023-08-12 21:07:43

Russia launches mass wave of missile attacks, 2 killed, 26 injured

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2023-09-21 10:21:26

Russia's Akhmat unit reports on mass inflow of former Wagnerites

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2023-10-28 19:08:26

Explosions rock Odesa as mass Russian missile, drone attack continues

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2023-11-05 23:06:54

Ukraine moves to mass production of naval drones

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2023-11-15 02:07:07

Mass protests in Canary Islands decry overtourism

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2024-04-20 19:07:17

Mass Graves of Hundreds Uncovered in Gaza Sound Alarm

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2024-04-26 23:06:38

MoD fined after email blunder risked Afghan interpreters' lives

A mass email revealed details of more than 200 people who the UK was trying to help flee the Taliban.
2023-12-13 03:06:40

All 18 victims of Maine shooting named

The attack on Wednesday was the deadliest mass shooting in the state's history.
2023-10-28 01:06:40

Dave Myer's wife misses TV chef 'terribly'

Lili Myers pays tribute to the late TV chef ahead of a mass motorbike ride to celebrate him.
2024-05-13 01:06:35

Canada highway crash near Winnipeg leaves at least 15 dead

The crash between a truck and handi-transit vehicle is described as a "serious mass casualty" event.
2023-06-16 01:07:01

Beatification for Polish family murdered for sheltering Jews

A beatification Mass is held for the family of nine, who were executed by Nazis for protecting Jews.
2023-09-10 22:12:16

Gun shop turned Maine suspect away months before mass shooting

The National Guard also flagged the suspect, saying they feared he would "commit a mass shooting".
2023-10-30 18:11:23

Unabomber Ted Kaczynski found dead in US prison cell

Kaczynski evaded capture for 20 years after a mass bombing campaign that killed three people.
2023-06-10 21:09:03

Outrage over Abbas's antisemitic speech on Jews and Holocaust

German and Israeli officials condemn the Palestinian leader's remarks about the mass murder of Jews.
2023-09-07 21:20:59

UN says 80,000 have fled Rafah as strikes intensify

Israeli tanks reportedly mass close to built-up areas of the south Gaza city amid constant shelling.
2024-05-09 20:08:52

Mahsa Amini awarded EU's Sakharov human rights prize

The 22-year-old died in custody after allegedly violating Iran's strict dress code, sparking mass protests.
2023-10-19 19:09:19

Iran proposes long jail terms, AI surveillance and crackdown on influencers in harsh new hijab law

Just weeks ahead of the one-year anniversary of the mass protests sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini, Iranian authorities are considering a draconian new bill on hijab-wearing that experts say would enshrine unprecedentedly harsh punitive measures into law.
2023-08-03 04:06:39

Iranian women face 10 years in jail for inappropriate dress after 'hijab bill' approved

Iran's parliament on Wednesday passed draconian new legislation imposing much harsher penalties on women who breach hijab rules, days after the one-year anniversary of mass protests sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini.
2023-09-22 17:12:38

Israel's democracy is at a crossroads as its top court debates a law limiting its power. Here's what to know

Israel's Supreme Court held hearings Tuesday on a law to curb its powers, in a case that could set the judiciary on a collision course with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's hardline government after months of mass protests over the controversial legislation.
2023-09-15 04:25:46

Peru protesters, including children, killed in 'extrajudicial executions' by security forces, Amnesty finds

Peruvian security forces carried out widespread attacks against protestors with "extrajudicial executions "and "widespread use of lethal ammunition" earlier this year, while trying to contain mass protests that started in December 2022, according to Amnesty International.
2023-05-25 21:07:40

CNN: a lewistoni vérengzés volt idén az 565. tömeges lövöldözés

A Gun Violence Archive szerint a csütörtöki tömeges vérengzés, amely a Maine állambeli Lewistonban mintegy 20 halálos áldozatot követelt, és több tucat a sebesült, az 565. tömeges lövöldözés (mass sooting) volt idén az Egyesült Államokban ? írta a CNN. A nonprofit szervezet az FBI-hoz hasonlóan határozza meg a mass sooting fogalmát: azokat a bűntényeket sorolják ide, ahol az elkövetőt nem számítva négy vagy több embert lőnek le. Az amerikai híroldal idézi a KFF (korábbi nevén Kaiser Family Foundation) 2023-as felmérését is, amely szerint csaknem minden ötödik amerikai felnőtt valamely családta...
2023-10-26 14:10:34

Újabb geomágneses vihar jöhet

A Föld jelenleg négy különböző koronakidobódás (CME) lővonalában áll, ami azt jelenti, hogy geomágneses viharok alakulhatnak ki, amelyek ha elég erősek lesznek, sarki fényt idézhetnek elő az éjjeli égbolton, írja az IFLScience. A National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) űridőjárás előrejelző központja (SWPC) szerint egy M-osztályú napkitörés következtében két CME indult útjára augusztus 7-én a Föld felé. Egy nappal később pedig egy X-osztályú napkitörés is történt, ami egy harmadik CME-t sodort irányunkba. Ez utóbbi a napkitörések legerősebb kategóriájába tartozik, ám az 1-től 9-...
2024-08-12 14:07:41

Baltimore-i lövöldözés: két halott, 28 sérült

Lövöldözés volt Baltimore-ban, aminek következtében ketten meghaltak, huszonnyolcan megsérültek. Utóbbiak közül kilencet a közeli kórházakba szállítottak, hármuk állapota súlyos. A hatóságokat ottani idő szerint hajnali fél egykor hívták többen is ? a kiérkező rendőrök egy nőt holtan találtak, kilenc másik személyt pedig lőtt sebekkel, írja a CNN. Richard Worley, a baltimore-i rendőrség munkatársa azt mondta, egyelőre nincs információjuk sem a tettes kilétéről, sem annak motivációjáról. Teljesen vakmerő, gyáva cselekedet, ami itt történt, és amely sok életet végleg megváltoztatott, és két embe...
2023-07-02 13:08:36

Thousands mass for pro-EU rally in Moldovan capital, amid tensions with Russia

Moldovan President Maia Sandu is vying for EU member status, amid fears of a Russian-backed coup.
2023-05-22 04:07:11

Spate of mass brawls at German outdoor swimming pools

Fights in open-air pools have led to calls for better security at the popular summer bathing spots.
2023-06-22 21:14:51

North Koreans at mass rally vow to ?pulverise the American empire?

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2023-06-26 17:10:19

Baltimore shooting: Two dead and 28 injured in mass casualty event, police say

The incident the US city of Baltimore has injured 28 people, three critically, police say.
2023-07-02 13:10:01

Four killed in Philadelphia mass shooting - police

Another two people - both children - are injured, and a male suspect is in custody, police say.
2023-07-04 07:12:30

Israeli government passes law to limit Supreme Court power, defying mass protests

Israeli lawmakers on Monday passed a law stripping the Supreme Court of its power to block government decisions, the first part of a judicial overhaul that has sparked six months of street protests and criticism from the White House.
2023-07-24 18:24:44

Israel judicial reform: Key bill becomes law amid mass protests

A bill which has caused uproar becomes law as protesters face water cannon outside parliament.
2023-07-24 20:09:46

Hallstatt: Austrian town protests against mass tourism

Hallstatt, in the Alps, has a population of 700 but can get up to 10,000 visitors a day.
2023-08-27 22:10:34

At least 10 feared dead in mass shootings in US city of Lewiston, Maine

Residents of Lewiston are being asked to shelter in place amid reports of a gunman at large.
2023-10-26 04:06:49

Arrest warrant issued for suspect in Lewiston, Maine mass shooting

A US Army reservist is wanted for murder after 18 people were killed and 13 injured in Lewiston.
2023-10-27 04:06:34

Maine mass shooting suspect found dead - police

Police say the suspect in a Lewiston, Maine shooting, where 18 people were killed, has been found dead.
2023-10-28 04:06:46

Mindanao: Three killed in explosion at Catholic Mass in Philippines

Nine people are also injured during a Catholic service at a university in Mindanao, officials say.
2023-12-03 04:08:22

Australia's Barrier Reef suffers fifth mass bleaching in eight years

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2024-03-08 12:18:14

More than 300 now missing after yet another mass kidnapping in Nigeria

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2024-03-13 15:08:41

At least 65 migrant bodies found in Libya mass grave, says UN

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2024-03-22 19:10:26


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